Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Good News From God (Brochure; Table of Contents)

LESSON 1: What Is the Good News? page 3
1. What is the news from God?
2. Why is the good news urgent?
3. What should we do?

LESSON 2: Who is God? pages 4,5
1. Why Should We Worship God?
2. What is God Like?
3. Does God Have a Name?
4. Does Jehovah Care About Us?
5. How can we Draw Closer to God?

LESSON 3: Is the Good News Really From God? pages 6,7
1. Who is the Author of the Bible?
2. How can we be sure that the Bible is True?
3. What is the Bible About?
4. How Can You Understand the Bible?

LESSON 4: Who is Jesus Christ? pages 8,9
1. How did Jesus' Life Begin?
2. Why Did Jesus Come to the Earth?
3. Why do we Need a Ransom?
4. Why did Jesus Die?
5. What is Jesus Doing now?

LESSON 5: What is God's Purpose For the Earth? pages 10, 11
1. Why Did God Create the Earth?
2. Why is the Earth not a Paradise now?
3. How will Paradise be Restored?
4. When Will Suffering End?
5. Who Will Live in the Future Paradise?

LESSON 6: What Hope is there for the Dead? pages 12, 13
1. What is the Good News About the Dead?
2. What is the Condition of the Dead?
3. Can the Dead Speak to us?
4. Who Will Return to Life?
5. What Does the Resurrection Tell us About Jehovah?

LESSON 7: What is God's Kingdom? pages 14, 15
1. What is God's Kingdom?
2. Why is Jesus the Ideal King?
3. Who Will Rule With Jesus?
4. What Happened When Jesus Began Ruling?
5. What Does God's Kingdom Accomplish?

LESSON 8: Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering? pages 16, 17
1. How Did Evil Begin?
2. Was God's Creation Defective?
3. Why Has God Allowed Suffering Until Now?
4. What Does God's Patience Allow us to do?
5. How Can we Choose God as Our Ruler?

LESSON 9: How Can Your Family be Happy? pages 18, 19
1. Why is Marriage Vital to Family Happiness?
2. How Should a Husband and a Wife Treat Each Other?
3. Should You Abandon an Unhappy Marriage?
4. Children, What Does God Want For You?
5. Parents, How Can Your Children Find Happiness?

LESSON 10: How Can You Recognize True Worship? pages 20, 21
1. Is There Only One True Religion?
2. What Did Jesus Say About False Christians?
3. How Can You Recognize True Worshippers?
4. Can You Identify the True Religion?

LESSON 11: How Do Bible Principles Benefit Us? pages 22, 23
1. Why do we need guidance?
2. What are Bible principles?
3. Which two principles are primary?
4. How do Bible principles benefit us?

LESSON 12: How Can You Draw Close to God? pages 24, 25
1. Does God listen to all prayers?
2. How should we pray?
3. Why do Christians meet together?
4. How can you draw close to God?
5. How will drawing close to God benefit you?

LESSON 13: What Is the Good News About Religion? pages 26, 27
1. Is all religion good?
2. What is the good news about religion?
3. What should sincere people do?
4. How will God bring joy to every land?

LESSON 14: Why Does God Have an Organization? pages 28, 29
1. Why did God organize ancient Israel?
2. Why are true Christians organized?
3. How did the modern-day organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses begin?
4. How are Jehovah’s Witnesses organized?

LESSON 15: Why Should You Continue? pages 30, 31
1. How will continuing your Bible study benefit you?
2. How could your knowledge of God benefit others?
3. What relationship with God can you enjoy?
4. How can you continue to progress?

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